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Beginner’s Guide: How to start a career in Blockchain Technology?

By James (Jiaqi) Wang, 6 April 2021 

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Blockchain is undoubtedly one of the most popular concepts in recent years. It is a game-changing technology that is popularly known as the core of Cryptocurrencies, which have been generating incredible heat in the past few years. With the rapid growth of Blockchain-related industries, these industries are also in urgent need of people who master Blockchain knowledge. So here are few tips if you want to start a career in Blockchain Technology.

#1 Understanding the basics: Blockchain is not just Bitcoin

Blockchain is the newest version of distributed ledger technology that helps people do business with each other by tracking who owns what. One of the most notable applications of Blockchain was in cryptocurrency. In 2009, a person or a group of people using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin - the world’s first decentralised cryptocurrency. Blockchain’s core technology is what makes cryptocurrency possible, but it is only one application of the technology. We can confidently believe that Blockchain will change many things in our lives in the future, and currency is just the first thing Blockchain changes.

Source: Forbes

#2 What skills do I need if I want to start a career in Blockchain Technology?

If it is a Blockchain company related to finance, you need to have knowledge in finance, business, management, etc. And for other Blockchain related industries, existing software developers can use their current skills to create smart contracts in Java, JavaScript, Go, or Solidity (similar to JavaScript). Systems administrators and DevOps engineers can leverage their enterprise experience to build, deploy, manage, and scale leading blockchain platforms.

Source: Columbia Engineering

#3 Career perspective

The Blockchain industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, and there is an urgent need for talent. So what are some of the areas where companies need Blockchain talent? There are four major players in the market; startups, legacies, tech companies and governments. Startups are the independent businesses and products created since the invention of Bitcoin; Legacies are big companies like banks, accountancy firms, and law offices that have been around for many years; Tech firms are the companies that have the most to lose if blockchain tech takes over the world. They are companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook: the cost-cutting potential of blockchain is huge so many national governments have been hiring crypto experts to advise them.

Source: BitDegree

#4 Get educated on Blockchain-related courses

If you want to get a job related to Blockchain in the future, the best way to do so is to get an education related to Blockchain. Through a comprehensive study of Blockchain related theory, you will be able to master Blockchain related knowledge and have a more comprehensive understanding of Blockchain related industries. At IMC we offer Master of Applied Financial Technology and Blockchain and other Fintech courses.

Looking to kickstart your career in FinTech? Start small with our bespoke suite of Micro Credentials in FinTech, launching at the end of April:

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