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3 Reasons Why Students Should Study Management

By James (Jiaqi) Wang, 9 July 2021 

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Management is a discipline with a long history and a deep connection to the operation of companies, and a number of management gurus, such as Michael Porter and Peter Drucker, have constantly updated their theories and energized the discipline. Moreover, these theories have continued to influence the management and operation of many companies. It is true that management is a vital subject for business, but why is it important for students to study it? Here are three reasons why students should study management.

#1 You Will Gain Theoretical Knowledge

While nothing can replace the importance of hands-on experience in the real world, having enough theoretical knowledge is just as valuable. In fact, the best managers have a powerful combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. By learning current concepts, strategies and best practices, and getting access to case studies which teach you how to make decisions in business, you will be equipped with a well-rounded understanding of business. Studying well-known management theories such as Management by Objectives and the SMART Method will not only give you a deeper understanding of company management, but will also help you to develop your future career. Whether you dream of starting your own company or you simply want to learn some new skills, choosing to study management is an amazing idea. These courses teach you a range of skills that you can use in both your personal and professional life.

Source: Business Load

#2 Excellent Career Opportunities

Opt for a management degree gives graduates a broad knowledge of business, finance, economics and marketing, as well as a range of practical skills and work experience, making them highly sought after by employers and for graduate training schemes. Students who study management have a more comprehensive understanding of the overall operation of a company, and every company needs managing roles at all levels to ensure the efficient operation and growth of the company. Additionally, because of the wide range of business knowledge covered by the subject of management, if you want to start your own business after graduation, then choosing to study management is also a very good choice.

Source: Top Universities

#3 Management Talent are Needed in Emerging Sectors

In addition to the traditional retail and service industries, there is an urgent need for talents with both industry knowledge and management skills in many new sectors. Take the fintech industry as an example, with the rapid development of the industry, many fintech companies need to have talents who understand fintech knowledge and also management knowledge to support the rapid development of the company. At IMC, we offer courses like Graduate Diploma of Financial Technology Management to fulfil this need. The course is designed to expose students to the new ways financial services are being delivered using advanced technologies, big data and the internet and their transformative power in reshaping business models. Additionally, the course includes the study of how data is collected and used in fintech development and applications and a workshop-type unit for budding entrepreneurs and innovators. Moreover, this course consists of both classical management theories and cutting-edge fintech knowledge.

Planning to start your career in Management? Here at IMC, we offer many different levels of courses related to Management. These courses will not only provide you with the most cutting-edge academic theories in the field of Management, but will also make you more competitive in your future career.

Looking to kickstart your career in Management? Click the button to check out some Management related courses.

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