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7 Effective Ways to Study Online

By Isabela Vital, 7th Oct 2020

Study Online

Studying online is not something new, as the Internet has become public some decades ago. However, it has been becoming more popular due to its ease as you do not need to leave home and it is where you can find a plethora of reliable sources at your fingertips, anywhere at any time. If you think it is still hard to focus whilst studying online, let’s work together to make it happen. Check it out seven effective ways to study online.

1) Make sure you have a reliable internet

The main thing that needs to work while you are studying online is the internet. Ensure the internet is set up by a technician properly - this usually happens when you are moving houses or changing Internet servers. Having an unstable Internet can be stressful and you will be distracted. Otherwise, other options can include moving to a cafe, library or even at the school.

Connecting to the internet

2) Create a study plan
Do you know which topics and websites are going to be your main sources of information? Try organising this in advance, so you can avoid distractions while making your research, such as being redirected to a social media channel or some news website that you may start reading and lose your precious research time. Planning ahead what you are going to study will save you a lot of time and help you to focus.

Study Plan

3) Remove distractions before starting
Are you studying via your laptop? If so, try to leave your mobile far away or if you are expecting to receive an important call, just turn the social media and apps notifications off while you are studying. Similarly, if you are using a tablet or mobile device, mute the notifications. Think about the apps that distract you the most so you can mute during this period. Also, as you have already made a study plan, focus only on these websites. We all know how tempting it is to check social media, but if you get into a habit of limiting your time on distracting apps, you will become more efficient in your studying patterns.

Mobile distraction

4) Organise your Study Space 
Thinking about your space, how quiet is your study place? Is it close to a highway? Are your household members too noisy? Well, maybe it is time to rethink the study strategy. If you can manage to study in a noisy place, then that’s fine. However, many people prefer a quiet area to produce good work. So, in case your home is not adequate for studying, you should think about some other options such as a library, for example. Some cafes also have quiet spots. You can do some research if you can’t stay at home studying.

Friends and Family having a good time 

5) Tell your household members you are studying
How is your time management going? Are you struggling to do all your tasks? There are many ways to have all of them done. Firstly, try to prioritise based on the level of urgency and importance.. Digital project management tools such as Trello can be a great start for you to organise your tasks on a list format. You can use this for work or simply for personal life. It makes time management easier, being helpful to visualise everything that needs to be done.

Time management

6) Time Management
Now that you have a plan and place, it’s time to work on the time management. How long are you planning to study? One hour? Maybe two? There is an app called Flora that works with the idea of the Pomodoro Technique. Ideally, you need to be productive for 25 minutes straight, with short breaks. The timer gives the idea of urgency and provides blocks to which "You cannot get distracted". The app uses gamification, and you can "plant trees" while you are studying and in case you use the phone for any other reason, the tree will “be killed”. According to the app, the main idea is to reconnect people and make them stay away from the phone while they are together, but you can just use your imagination and use it for study or any other moment that you need to be focused. On the paid version, they plant real trees according to your chosen subscription plan. 🌳 Good for you and the environment. If you find this intriguing, download the app today!

Time Management

7) Study in Blocks
Finally, our last tip is to give yourself some short breaks while studying. Avoid studying in long extended periods of hours. Go and grab a snack, get some fresh air, get away from the screen for a while to refresh the mind and avoid headaches. Stretching is also a good way of pausing your studies for a mini break. You are going to come back feeling more motivated! 💪



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