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Student Online Services Introduction

Please watch the videos below to know online services for studying in IMC.




Student Portal

The Student Portal is an online enrolment system where students can enrol in individual units and check results.

If you do not have access, please contact IT Support.






Moodle LMS

Moodle is an online learning system where you can find key information and announcements, download unit outlines, access lecture notes and other learning resources, and take online tutorials to improve your academic skills.

Moodle can also be used to communicate with lecturers, tutors and classmates. Every student is provided with a unique IMC Moodle account.

If you do not have access, please contact IT Support.



Student Email

All students are given a Microsoft 365 account.

Details of how to log in are issued after enrolment. If you do not have access, please contact IT Support.

All students are expected to be actively using this email account and responsible for keeping up to date with announcements.