TBUS300 Business Ethics

TBUS300 Business Ethics
Campus:South Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Units of Credit:6
Prerequisite or Corequisite:No prerequisite or corequisite for this unit.
Indicative Contact Hours per Week:3
Tuition FeeSee Tuition Fee Schedule
Application Date:See Key Dates
Unit Overview:
In this unit students will study the meaning of ethics and its application to business, ensuring that appreciation is developed for the synergy between organisational outcomes and performance with ethical business practice. A foundation of ethical theories and concepts leads to a study of ethical dilemmas in business and ultimately to a personal realisation of the importance of holding a set of ethical and moral values in business decision making. Students will be required to bring skills of analysis and synthesis to propose realistic solutions to ethical issues and problems in business. Case studies on implementing and managing an ethical framework in business will be used to illustrate the complexities of issues that can arise. The theoretical underpinnings, structure and practice of ethics in a globalised business environment, as viewed through various stakeholder groups, is the common theme running throughout this unit.

*EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load

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