chinese australia

Apply to IMC Courses Now

For our next intake!

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Information Session and Campus Tour

If you want a preview of our campus and would like to know first hand what it would be like to study at IMC, we encourage you to reach out and request a campus tour and information session.

We understand that choosing the next 3-4 years of your study can be a little daunting and so we would like to invite you to get to know our teachers and academics in the field of study you are interested in.
Once you submit a request we’ll get in touch with you to schedule a suitable time for a campus visit. 

On the day, our friendly Prospective Student Advisor will take you around the campus and introduce you to our knowledgeable academics and lecturers. You can also obtain more information about your course in detail and find out if you are eligible for any scholarships or awards.

Interested? Get it touch now!

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