Stephen Treloar MBA,DBA,MComLaw,Adv.Dip. (AICD),Cert. ADR.
Lecturer | Email:
Stephen is a Fellow, Australian Institute of Management (FAIM). Fellow, Australian Institute of Company
Directors (FAICD). Fellow, Governance Institute of Australia, and Member, Institute of Arbitrators &
Mediators Association of Australia.
He has over 25 years senior executive experience, including the public service, not-for-profit sector, and
Managing Director (Oceania) for a US based transnational company (once part of Nike International). Over the
years, Stephen has served on numerous (commercial, NGO and Government) boards and is the former Chairman,
Finance & Governance, the Western Sydney Academy of Sport.
His past research interests, conference presentations and publications covers a wide range of fields
including: human resource management, social enterprise, commercial law, directors’ responsibilities,
conflicts of interest, expatriate management, and ‘best practice’ management. Stephen lectures
in human
resource management at IMC.
His speaking engagements include presentations and keynote addresses throughout Australia, NZ, Hong Kong,
Macau, USA, England, Ireland, Sweden, France, Norway, and the Netherlands.