TCPA706 Advanced Audit and Assurance TCPA706 Advanced Audit and Assurance Campus: South Eveleigh, NSW 2015 Units of Credit: 6 Prerequisite or Corequisite: There are no prerequisite units. EFTSL*: 0.125 Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3 Tuition Fee See Tuition Fee Schedule Application Date: See Key Dates Unit Overview: The subject adopts a practical and conceptual approach to understanding external audit process. The lectures correspond with auditing process in theory and practice and integrate Australian and International Auditing Standards. This unit is primarily concerned with external audit of corporations while also covering other assurance services, professional independence, ethics and legal liability. It is designed to give you an overview of the external audit process and assist students in passing their CPA Australia exam in this area. Various stages of the auditing process are examined during the course of the terms with the more important processes being examined in detail. The unit then extends further to represent ‘real world’ scenarios by the application of comprehensive case study material and various practical exercises. It also includes examples from the lecturer’s 38 plus years’ experience in this area. The objectives of TCPA706 - Advanced audit and assurance CPA are to develop your understanding of various audit processes and to advance your analytical and decision-making skills through application of auditing theory and concepts to practical problems. The unit aims to lay a foundation for those students who will proceed to an audit working environment by enabling them to apply and build on the concepts learnt in this unit. As the enrolled students are also expected to sit the CPA Australian exam for elective Advanced audit and assurance it will have a heavy emphasis on the role of audit professionals in public practice. Students will also gain an appreciation of governance, control environments and the audit function and its important role in the business and assurance arena. This will be relevant to both students working in industry and those desiring to remain in private practice. *EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load