TTEC304 Auditing with Big Data and Analytics TTEC304 Auditing with Big Data and Analytics Campus: South Eveleigh, NSW 2015 Units of Credit: 6 Prerequisite or Corequisite: TACC301 Auditing and Professional Practice and TTEC101 Data Analytics Fundamentals EFTSL*: 0.125 Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 4 Tuition Fee See Tuition Fee Schedule Application Date: See Key Dates Unit Overview: This unit addresses the advanced concepts of data collection, mining, wrangling, analysis and the synthesis of practical decisions based on those analyses for accounting auditing purposes. It allows students to reflect on the best approaches to auditing using big data and data analytics. It examines the role of big data in accounting audits and its practical applications. The unit allows students to access and analyse data using specific applications of big data mining for auditing purposes. It utilises computer programming in the analysis of complex data sets that can be audited for accounting purposes. It also applies data privacy, security, analysis and management theories to large data sets used in an auditing context. The unit also examines the organisational, professional, legal and ethical issues associated with big data mining and analysis for auditing purposes, and allows students to investigate their implications on auditing. Specific applications of big data wrangling are also evaluated and students will have the opportunity to work in a team to critically analyse real world auditing data and to make recommendations regarding its use for audit purposes. The unit addresses the processing and analysis of audit data using programming tools within an ethical, legal and professional framework for data management. The programming language used in this course will be Python. *EFTSL = Equivalent full-time study load