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The Bachelor of Accounting and Data Assurance provides an opportunity for students new to tertiary level study to earn a Bachelor-level qualification in accounting and combine it with data assurance, data analytics or cybersecurity for a potential career in a data-related field where financial data is prominent. This degree will also suit students who have completed unrelated tertiary qualifications and want to study a combined accounting and technology-oriented degree.

To complete the Bachelor of Accounting and Data Assurance, students must complete 144 credit points representing 24 units of study. The course has two specialisations: (i) Auditing and Analytics and (ii) Cybersecurity. Students select one specialisation and complete the designated course structure for that specialisation. 

Both specialisations introduce students to accounting, finance, economics and quantitative methods, technology,  ethics and data management. The auditing and analytics specialisation takes students further into all aspects of data assurance and analysis, focusing on financial data quality, security, interpretation and visualisation using modern analytic tools. 

In the cybersecurity specialisation, more advanced programming skills are developed through specific data security and analytics programming languages. Students will also study data security within artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain contexts, complete an advanced cybersecurity project and undertake a work-integrated capstone experience that is either consulting or internship-based. 

The Bachelor of Accounting and Data Assurance offers early exit awards for shorter study periods at the Diploma and Associate Degree levels.



3 years full-time or 6 years part-time

International students are required to maintain a full-time study load and attend classes on campus

Domestic students can complete the program through part-time study


On campus (South Eveleigh NSW 2015; Victoria Park WA 6100; Highgate WA 6003)


Refer to key dates


Domestic Students: Please refer to Undergraduate Admission Requirements.

International Students: Please refer to Overseas Qualification Recognition.



Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is available and will be assessed in accordance with IMC’s RPL policy and procedure. Please refer to the Application for Recognition of Prior Learning and the RPL Policy and Procedure for further details.


The degree has two specialisations available. Students must select one specialisation and complete the whole sequence to qualify for the award. Students can change specialisation and will be credited for the units completed in the new specialisation. Units completed outside the structure of the specialisation cannot be counted toward the new specialisation. Students should note that the first term is shared across both specialisations and provides an opportunity to transfer after one term to the other specialisation, receiving full credit for units completed.

All units are weighted at six credit points. Completing 144 credit points, equal to 24 units, is required to qualify for the Bachelor of Accounting and Data Assurance award.

[A] Auditing and Analytics specialisation

Term 1 Units 

Term 2 Units 

Exit with a Diploma of Accounting and Analytics

Term 3 Units 

Term 4 Units 

Exit with an Associate Degree of Accounting and Analytics 

Term 5 Units 

Term 6 Units 

Exit with a Bachelor’s Degree of Accounting and Data Assurance (Auditing and Analytics specialisation)

The Auditing and Analytics specialisation contains a sequence of accounting units that meet CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants ANZ accreditation requirements. The relevant units are marked with the hash symbol (#). 

Students are responsible for ensuring that all units required by CPAA and/or CAANZ are included in their program of study if progression to the CPA Program or CAANZ Program is planned.  Students are advised to check the list of required units on the register of accredited courses displayed on the websites of each professional accounting organisation.

[B] Cybersecurity specialisation

Term 1 Units

Term 2 Units

Exit with a Diploma of Accounting and Analytics
Term 3 Units

Term 4 Units

Exit with an Associate Degree of Accounting and Analytics

Term 5 Units

Term 6 Units

Exit with a Bachelor’s Degree of Accounting and Data Assurance (Cybersecurity specialisation)
*Prerequisite or co-requisite requirements apply


Assessment methods are designed to encourage learning, provide feedback and measure the achievement of learning outcomes. Forms of assessment vary among units and include research reports, projects, essays, group work, presentations, problem-solving, case studies, tests, quizzes, and examinations. Students may be required to complete assessment tasks alone or in groups to encourage the development of generic personal skills.  

Assessments generally require a written submission but may include an oral or video presentation. In capstone units, assessment may include industry engagement and an industry-based report.


IMC’s Bachelor of Accounting and Data Assurance prepares graduates for positions in accounting and consulting firms, technology firms, public and private sector organisations and non-government entities. Depending upon specialisation, specific roles include accountant, auditor, financial analyst, data analyst, data security specialist, and management consulting (data-related).


Further and more specialised learning is available in postgraduate courses, including:

  • MBA (Business Analytics)
  • MBA (Digital Business Applications)
  • MBA (FinTech Management)
  • Master of Applied Financial Technology and Blockchain